Simple Sunday – Unplugging our kids

Phew! What a week! My sister is getting married (yay!) and we threw an engagement party for her on Friday.  I have been busy tying up loose ends on my application for a child development home (yay again!) aaaand….Thanksgiving will now be hosted at our house in less than three weeks(yay??) That last one was a surprise.  All in all I managed to keep it together on the home front but haven’t been good about writing.  I have been reading a lot about screen time, especially for toddlers, and thought I would share some brain science and screen time stats.  The first article is not related to screen time but is helpful in giving a frame work for how children do learn.  It also makes you think about the whole child that you are raising and what they really need from us in the way of emotional response.

Maybe on this ‘Simple Sunday’ we can take a few minutes to think about how we can slow things down and not always be worried about ‘occupying’ our children.  I have found that sometimes when you stop trying to distract or engage the child will end up having the most productive fun.

What are your thoughts on kids and TV? How much is okay? What crosses the line?